We are here to conserve, protect, manage and restore our shared natural resources.
The School of Natural Resources is located in the Herbert College of Agriculture at the University of Tennessee. We offer two exciting areas of study: the forestry major and the wildlife and fisheries major.
The school also has multiple master’s degree programs and a doctoral program in natural resources. Our curricula focus on a mastery learning approach, emphasizing practical, hands-on experiences. Our faculty, staff, and students conduct research and Extension activities that advance the science and sustainable management of our natural resources.
In January 2023, the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries became the School of Natural Resources.
Whether we are improving timber harvest methods or restoring native fish species to our rivers, our research and Extension work make our world a better, more enjoyable place to live.

As Tennessee’s flagship natural resource program, we address the environmental needs of the state, region and beyond. Our mission is to advance the science and sustainable management of natural resources and to promote their health, utilization and appreciation through programs in teaching, research, and Extension.