Statewide Parks, Trails, and Greenways Inventory

This webpage provides the Excel spreadsheet for recording information about your city/county’s outdoor recreation resources like parks, trails, and greenways.

We are gathering this information for Tennessee’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, which serves as a guide for public recreation planning. Each state must prepare a comprehensive Recreation Plan every ten years to be eligible for funding from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. The University of Tennessee partners with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the firm Kimley-Horn to gather the necessary information for Tennessee’s plan.

We also partner with the Tennessee Department of Health, who will use the information we collect in a new, online mapping and information resource that will allow locals and visitors alike to discover and find parks, trails, and similar recreation resources. The information tool also will facilitate information updates so that you and the state don’t have to start from scratch when the next planning period rolls around.

Please use the Excel spreadsheet to collect and report information about your parks, trails, greenways and related recreation resources.

We are here to help as needed with this process. Reach out with questions or for clarification, and return your completed spreadsheet to Susan Schexnayder (, 865-974-5495).

A collage of outdoor recreation activities at Tennessee state parks and greenways.