Admission to the School Master of Science Program

Admission to the Master of Science degree programs in the School of Natural Resources is determined by a School Review Committee after the student has met the requirements for admission to the Graduate School. The Graduate School requires that the applicant have a Bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting agency or foreign equivalent. Students applying for admission are expected to have at least a 3.0 grade point average (4.0 scale) on undergraduate coursework. The minimum acceptable GRE score is 297 (combined verbal plus quantitative). All application forms are available on UT’s Graduate Admissions website. All application forms are processed within the School by the Graduate Program Coordinator. A School Review Committee composed of three potential major professors in the field of study reviews each application. A recommendation is made to The Graduate School by the Graduate Coordinator in counsel with the Departmental Review Committee.             

After review of an application by the Departmental Graduate Committee, some applicants may be required to enroll in supplemental undergraduate courses to address deficiencies. If the undergraduate degree is different from the graduate degree, prerequisites often are added in consultation with the advisor and the student’s committee. For example, if the first forestry degree to be earned is the Master’s degree, certain prerequisites must be met to fulfill Society of American Foresters accreditation requirements. Such prerequisites may be required in addition to the regular requirements for the degree and must be met before entering the program or as soon as possible after entrance. The student must earn a grade of C or better (or S, for S/NC grading) in each prerequisite course.