

Key requisitions are made when necessary through your Major Professor to the Senior Administrative Assistant, who has the necessary forms and information. There is a fee for each lost key. It is the keyholder’s responsibility to report missing or stolen keys promptly. Key access to school facilities requires an awareness of proper security precautions. When leaving a building after hours, or a building that is normally locked, a student must re-lock the door. All authorized users should have a key. Students should also lock interior offices and lab doors. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that university facilities are as secure as possible.


The School shares a photocopy machine located in Room 474 Plant Biotechnology Building capable of copying, enlarging, reducing or making digital copies. Through the Advisor, students may request limited copying on these machines for research purposes. Photocopy machines are also in all university libraries, and there are several local copying services for personal use. The School does not provide copying except where it applies to research, teaching and extension and has the Major Professor’s approval.

Office Support

School office supplies (pads, pencils, etc.) are not available for student use. Some exceptions may apply to Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) and Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) for use in their research and teaching responsibilities, but these students should acquire the necessary supplies through their Major Professor.

Student Offices

Offices for graduate students are located in various buildings on the Ag Campus.  Office space is limited.  GRAs and GTAs are given preference in allocation of desk space, although an attempt is made to accommodate all graduate students.

The address and telephone numbers of the School are:
School of Natural Resources
427 Plant Biotechnology Building
2505 E. J. Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4563
Fax: 865-974-4714

There are mailboxes for graduate students in Room 474 Plant Biotechnology Building. A campus mail service is provided for inter‑office correspondence. Mail is picked up and delivered once daily at approximately 2:00 p.m. A box for outgoing mail is located near the school mailboxes.   

School phones are located in most student offices. Use of school phones, especially for long‑distance calls, must be approved by the Advisor. Such calls should be made from the Advisor’s phone (or other designated phone) so billing charges will be accurately assessed.

Safety Considerations

The UTIA Safety Office provides policies, procedures, and training for graduate students to help ensure a safe work environment.  Lab safety procedures, biosafety procedures, reporting of accidents and incidents, training and other information can be obtained from the UTIA Safety Office.