Current Champion Trees

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image for Allegheny Chinquapin

Allegheny Chinquapin – Castanea pumila

Points: 91.00

Circumference: 38 (inches)

Tree Height: 53.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 28 (feet)

image for American Basswood

American Basswood – Tilia americana

Points: 211.00

Circumference: 114 (inches)

Tree Height: 81 (feet)

Crown Spread: 64 (feet)

image for American Beech

American Beech – Fagus grandifolia

Points: 342.24

Circumference: 216.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 102 (feet)

Crown Spread: 94.55 (feet)

image for American Elm

American Elm – Ulmus americana

Points: 375.93

Circumference: 270 (inches)

Tree Height: 77.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 113.7 (feet)

image for American Filbert

American Filbert – Corylus americana

Points: 33.19

Circumference: 6 (inches)

Tree Height: 21 (feet)

Crown Spread: 10.69 (feet)

image for American Holly

American Holly – Ilex opaca

Points: 217.8

Circumference: 130.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 65.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 86.00 (feet)

image for American Hophornbeam

American Hophornbeam – Ostrya virginiana

Points: 288.2

Circumference: 182.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 86.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 77.00 (feet)

image for American Hornbeam

American Hornbeam – Carpinus caroliniana

Points: 89.8

Circumference: 48.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 32 (feet)

Crown Spread: 39.15 (feet)

image for American Sycamore

American Sycamore – Platanus occidentalis

Points: 403.37

Circumference: 271.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 104.75 (feet)

Crown Spread: 109.69 (feet)

image for Atlantic Whitecedar

Atlantic Whitecedar – Chamaecyparis thyoides

Points: 154.74

Circumference: 91.32 (inches)

Tree Height: 56.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27.68 (feet)

image for Atlas Cedar

Atlas Cedar – Cedrus atlantica

Points: 259.63

Circumference: 179 (inches)

Tree Height: 66 (feet)

Crown Spread: 57.61 (feet)

image for Bald Cypress

Bald Cypress – Taxodium distichum

Points: 408.03

Circumference: 313.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 78 (feet)

Crown Spread: 67.31 (feet)

image for Ben Franklin Tree

Ben Franklin Tree – Franklinia alatamaha

Points: 45.30

Circumference: 13.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 19 (feet)

Crown Spread: 23 (feet)

image for Bigleaf Magnolia

Bigleaf Magnolia – Magnolia macrophylla

Points: 96.8

Circumference: 49.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 39 (feet)

Crown Spread: 34.56 (feet)

image for Bigtooth Aspen

Bigtooth Aspen – Populus grandidentata

Points: 109.17

Circumference: 35.04 (inches)

Tree Height: 63.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 42.93 (feet)

image for Black Cherry

Black Cherry – Prunus serotina

Points: 282.6

Circumference: 175.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 82.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 97.33 (feet)

image for Black Walnut

Black Walnut – Juglans nigra

Points: 293.88

Circumference: 168 (inches)

Tree Height: 96 (feet)

Crown Spread: 119.5 (feet)

image for Blackhaw

Blackhaw – Viburnum prunifolium

Points: 48.05

Circumference: 19.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 24 (feet)

Crown Spread: 17 (feet)

image for Bladdernut

Bladdernut – Staphylea trifolia

Points: 54.42

Circumference: 12 (inches)

Tree Height: 39.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 11.67 (feet)

image for Boxelder

Boxelder – Acer negundo

Points: 247.75

Circumference: 169 (inches)

Tree Height: 63 (feet)

Crown Spread: 63 (feet)

image for Buckthorn Bumelia

Buckthorn Bumelia – Sideroxylon lycioides

Points: 92.05

Circumference: 52.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 30 (feet)

Crown Spread: 37 (feet)

Carolina Buckthorn – Frangula caroliniana

Points: 47.38

Circumference: 15.7 (inches)

Tree Height: 28 (feet)

Crown Spread: 14.7 (feet)

image for Carolina Cherry Laurel

Carolina Cherry Laurel – Prunus caroliniana

Points: 120.83

Circumference: 81.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 28 (feet)

Crown Spread: 44.9 (feet)

image for Carolina Silverbell

Carolina Silverbell – Halesia tetraptera

Points: 80.4

Circumference: 45.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 25.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 37.29 (feet)

image for Cedar Elm

Cedar Elm – Ulmus crassifolia

Points: 351.81

Circumference: 164.76 (inches)

Tree Height: 160.8 (feet)

Crown Spread: 105 (feet)

image for Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon – Cedrus libani

Points: 196.88

Circumference: 125.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 54.9 (feet)

Crown Spread: 66.33 (feet)

image for Chaste Tree

Chaste Tree – Vitex agnus-castus

Points: 83.43

Circumference: 50.04 (inches)

Tree Height: 23 (feet)

Crown Spread: 41.63 (feet)

image for Cherrybark Oak

Cherrybark Oak – Quercus pagoda

Points: 384.01

Circumference: 255 (inches)

Tree Height: 101.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 110.03 (feet)

image for Cherrybark Oak

Cherrybark Oak – Quercus pagoda

Points: 367.55

Circumference: 246.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 92.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 114.19 (feet)

image for Chestnut Oak

Chestnut Oak – Quercus montana

Points: 310.7

Circumference: 176.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 111.7 (feet)

Crown Spread: 90.41 (feet)

image for Chinese Chestnut

Chinese Chestnut – Castanea mollissima

Points: 318.5

Circumference: 241.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 43.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 135.07 (feet)

image for Chinese Date Tree

Chinese Date Tree – Zizphus Jujube

Points: 80.07

Circumference: 38.16 (inches)

Tree Height: 36 (feet)

Crown Spread: 25.76 (feet)

image for Chinese Elm

Chinese Elm – Ulmus parvifolia

Points: 293.23

Circumference: 210.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 54 (feet)

Crown Spread: 115.3 (feet)

image for Chinese Fringetree

Chinese Fringetree – Chionanthus retusus

Points: 76.25

Circumference: 37 (inches)

Tree Height: 30 (feet)

Crown Spread: 37 (feet)

image for Chinese Parasol

Chinese Parasol – Firmiana simplex

Points: 85.70

Circumference: 30.5 (inches)

Tree Height: 50.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 18.8 (feet)

image for Chinese Pistache

Chinese Pistache – Pistacia chinensis

Points: 131.68

Circumference: 59.7 (inches)

Tree Height: 68 (feet)

Crown Spread: 15.9 (feet)

image for Chinese Toon Tree

Chinese Toon Tree – Toona sinensis

Points: 133.78

Circumference: 82.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 39 (feet)

Crown Spread: 47.9 (feet)

image for Chinkapin Oak

Chinkapin Oak – Quercus muehlenbergii

Points: 356.9

Circumference: 272.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 61 (feet)

Crown Spread: 94.00 (feet)

image for Choke Cherry

Choke Cherry – Prunus virginiana

Points: 261.5

Circumference: 184.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 51.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 103.00 (feet)

image for Common chinafur

Common chinafur – Cunninghamia lanceolata

Points: 192.09

Circumference: 112.32 (inches)

Tree Height: 72 (feet)

Crown Spread: 31.23 (feet)

image for Common Pear

Common Pear – Pyrus communis

Points: 133.34

Circumference: 77.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 49 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27.77 (feet)

image for Common Persimmon

Common Persimmon – Diospyros virginiana

Points: 152.25

Circumference: 68.3 (inches)

Tree Height: 72 (feet)

Crown Spread: 47.8 (feet)

image for Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle – Lagerstroemia spp.

Points: 137.03

Circumference: 80.76 (inches)

Tree Height: 45 (feet)

Crown Spread: 45.14 (feet)

image for Cucumber Magnolia

Cucumber Magnolia – Magnolia acuminata

Points: 334.59

Circumference: 194.76 (inches)

Tree Height: 129 (feet)

Crown Spread: 42.33 (feet)

image for Dawn Redwood

Dawn Redwood – Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Points: 276.36

Circumference: 147.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 110.25 (feet)

Crown Spread: 74.05 (feet)

image for Deodar Cedar

Deodar Cedar – Cedrus deodara

Points: 230.98

Circumference: 166.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 42.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 86.7 (feet)

image for Deodar Cedar

Deodar Cedar – Cedrus deodara

Points: 222.22

Circumference: 150 (inches)

Tree Height: 56.9 (feet)

Crown Spread: 61.28 (feet)

image for Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir – Pseudotsuga menziesii

Points: 194.34

Circumference: 113.04 (inches)

Tree Height: 73 (feet)

Crown Spread: 33.2 (feet)

image for Downy Serviceberry

Downy Serviceberry – Amelanchier arborea

Points: 74.68

Circumference: 33.36 (inches)

Tree Height: 33.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 31.38 (feet)

image for Dunstan Chestnut

Dunstan Chestnut – Castanea dentata x mollissima

Points: 69.54

Circumference: 30.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 27.1 (feet)

Crown Spread: 47.35 (feet)

image for Eastern Burningbush

Eastern Burningbush – Euonymus atropurpureus

Points: 74.90

Circumference: 33.7 (inches)

Tree Height: 34.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 26.8 (feet)

image for Eastern Cottonwood

Eastern Cottonwood – Populus deltoides

Points: 399.8

Circumference: 228.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 125.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 185.00 (feet)

image for Eastern Hemlock

Eastern Hemlock – Tsuga canadensis

Points: 306.36

Circumference: 171.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 120.6 (feet)

Crown Spread: 56.63 (feet)

image for Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud – Cercis canadensis

Points: 164.40

Circumference: 122 (inches)

Tree Height: 33 (feet)

Crown Spread: 37.6 (feet)

image for Eastern Redcedar

Eastern Redcedar – Juniperus virginiana

Points: 285.06

Circumference: 210.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 63 (feet)

Crown Spread: 45.85 (feet)

image for Eastern White Pine

Eastern White Pine – Pinus strobus

Points: 287.5

Circumference: 157.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 114 (feet)

Crown Spread: 65.00 (feet)

image for English Holly

English Holly – Ilex aquifolium

Points: 94.40

Circumference: 50.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 36 (feet)

Crown Spread: 32 (feet)

image for Fleshy Hawthorn

Fleshy Hawthorn – Crataegus succulenta

Points: 58.33

Circumference: 25.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 26.8 (feet)

Crown Spread: 24.5 (feet)

image for Flowering Dogwood

Flowering Dogwood – Cornus florida

Points: 151.31

Circumference: 110.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 31.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 37.63 (feet)

image for Fraser Fir

Fraser Fir – Abies fraseri

Points: 208.8

Circumference: 106.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 81.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 82.00 (feet)

image for Georgia Holly

Georgia Holly – Ilex longipes

Points: 34.50

Circumference: 12 (inches)

Tree Height: 19 (feet)

Crown Spread: 14 (feet)

image for Ginkgo

Ginkgo – Ginkgo biloba

Points: 287.00

Circumference: 187.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 82 (feet)

Crown Spread: 71.22 (feet)

image for Green Ash

Green Ash – Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Points: 297.38

Circumference: 219 (inches)

Tree Height: 61 (feet)

Crown Spread: 69.5 (feet)

image for Green Ash

Green Ash – Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Points: 296.90

Circumference: 96 (inches)

Tree Height: 182.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 74 (feet)

image for Hackberry

Hackberry – Celtis occidentalis

Points: 292.4

Circumference: 201.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 76.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 57.30 (feet)

image for Hedge Maple

Hedge Maple – Acer campestre

Points: 97.00

Circumference: 44 (inches)

Tree Height: 42 (feet)

Crown Spread: (feet)

image for Horsechestnut

Horsechestnut – Aesculus hippocastanum

Points: 125.5

Circumference: 80.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 35 (feet)

Crown Spread: 40.23 (feet)

image for Jack Tree

Jack Tree – Sinojackia rehderiana

Points: 41

Circumference: 12.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 22 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27.82 (feet)

image for Japanese Cherry

Japanese Cherry – Abies concolor

Points: 233.3

Circumference: 129.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 88 (feet)

Crown Spread: 62.84 (feet)

image for Kashi Holly

Kashi Holly – Ilex chinensis

Points: 173.4

Circumference: 114.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 47.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 47.78 (feet)

image for Katsuratree

Katsuratree – Cercidiphyllum japonicum

Points: 157.40

Circumference: 104.28 (inches)

Tree Height: 43 (feet)

Crown Spread: 40.52 (feet)

image for Kentucky Coffee Tree

Kentucky Coffee Tree – Gymnocladus dioicus

Points: 177.4

Circumference: 114.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 43 (feet)

Crown Spread: 81.62 (feet)

image for Kousa Dogwood

Kousa Dogwood – Cornus kousa

Points: 53.3

Circumference: 31.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 15 (feet)

Crown Spread: 25.99 (feet)

image for Little Epaulettetree

Little Epaulettetree – Pterostyrax corymbosa

Points: 32.65

Circumference: 9.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 19 (feet)

Crown Spread: 16.2 (feet)

image for Loblolly Pine

Loblolly Pine – Pinus taeda

Points: 240.5

Circumference: 133.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 89.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 71.00 (feet)

image for Longleaf Pine

Longleaf Pine – Pinus palustris

Points: 176.05

Circumference: 81.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 90 (feet)

Crown Spread: 17.79 (feet)

image for Lusterleaf Holly

Lusterleaf Holly – Ilex latifolia

Points: 143.62

Circumference: 91.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 44 (feet)

Crown Spread: 33.67 (feet)

image for Mexican Baldcypress

Mexican Baldcypress – Taxodium mucronatum

Points: 68.66

Circumference: 38.16 (inches)

Tree Height: 25 (feet)

Crown Spread: 24.01 (feet)

image for Mockernut Hickory

Mockernut Hickory – Carya tomentosa

Points: 175.95

Circumference: 79.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 72 (feet)

Crown Spread: 99 (feet)

image for Monkey Puzzle

Monkey Puzzle – Araucaria araucana

Points: 79.61

Circumference: 41.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 33 (feet)

Crown Spread: 20.85 (feet)

image for Northern Catalpa

Northern Catalpa – Catalpa speciosa

Points: 232.11

Circumference: 157.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 64.7 (feet)

Crown Spread: 38.45 (feet)

image for Northern Red Oak

Northern Red Oak – Quercus rubra

Points: 368.3

Circumference: 236.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 93 (feet)

Crown Spread: 155.50 (feet)

image for Northern White Cedar

Northern White Cedar – Thuja occidentalis

Points: 83.50

Circumference: 32 (inches)

Tree Height: 43.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: (feet)

image for Norwegian Spruce

Norwegian Spruce – Picea abies

Points: 178.31

Circumference: 102 (inches)

Tree Height: 65 (feet)

Crown Spread: 45.24 (feet)

image for Nuttall Oak

Nuttall Oak – Quercus nuttallii

Points: 321.65

Circumference: 182.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 118 (feet)

Crown Spread: 85 (feet)

image for Ohio Buckeye

Ohio Buckeye – Aesculus glabra

Points: 81.38

Circumference: 50.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 24 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27.94 (feet)

image for Osage Orange

Osage Orange – Maclura pomifera

Points: 341.9

Circumference: 256.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 67 (feet)

Crown Spread: 72.31 (feet)

image for Osage Orange

Osage Orange – Maclura pomifera

Points: 333.3

Circumference: 250.32 (inches)

Tree Height: 62.7 (feet)

Crown Spread: 81.14 (feet)

Overcup Oak – Quercus lyrata

Points: 39.29

Circumference: 16.20 (inches)

Tree Height: 19.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 14.38 (feet)

image for Paw Paw

Paw Paw – Asimina triloba

Points: 68.11

Circumference: 18.36 (inches)

Tree Height: 46 (feet)

Crown Spread: 16.99 (feet)

image for Pecan

Pecan – Carya illinoinensis

Points: 309.5

Circumference: 165.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 107 (feet)

Crown Spread: 147.50 (feet)

image for Pignut Hickory

Pignut Hickory – Carya glabra

Points: 293.75

Circumference: 150 (inches)

Tree Height: 118 (feet)

Crown Spread: 102.98 (feet)

image for Pin Oak

Pin Oak – Quercus palustris

Points: 298.21

Circumference: 189.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 84 (feet)

Crown Spread: 98.43 (feet)

image for Pond Cypress

Pond Cypress – Taxodium ascendens

Points: 98.58

Circumference: 32.7 (inches)

Tree Height: 57 (feet)

Crown Spread: 35.5 (feet)

image for Post Oak

Post Oak – Quercus stellata

Points: 297.67

Circumference: 195 (inches)

Tree Height: 72 (feet)

Crown Spread: 122.67 (feet)

image for Pumpkin Ash

Pumpkin Ash – Fraxinus profunda

Points: 269.50

Circumference: 148.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 104 (feet)

Crown Spread: 66.8 (feet)

image for Red Buckeye

Red Buckeye – Aesculus pavia

Points: 84.20

Circumference: 43.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 32.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 34 (feet)

image for Red Hickory

Red Hickory – Carya ovalis

Points: 262.80

Circumference: 137 (inches)

Tree Height: 105 (feet)

Crown Spread: 83.2 (feet)

image for Red Maple

Red Maple – Acer rubrum

Points: 215.9

Circumference: 106.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 86.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 90.50 (feet)

image for Red Mulberry

Red Mulberry – Morus rubra

Points: 394.10

Circumference: 333.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 43.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 68 (feet)

image for River Birch

River Birch – Betula nigra

Points: 171.56

Circumference: 117.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 44.9 (feet)

Crown Spread: 36.22 (feet)

image for Roughleaf Dogwood

Roughleaf Dogwood – Cornus drummondii

Points: 46.20

Circumference: 15.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 26 (feet)

Crown Spread: 70 (feet)

image for Sand Post Oak

Sand Post Oak – Quercus margarettae

Points: 176.94

Circumference: 96 (inches)

Tree Height: 75 (feet)

Crown Spread: 23.75 (feet)

image for Sassafras

Sassafras – Sassafras albidum

Points: 240.63

Circumference: 169.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 59.25 (feet)

Crown Spread: 48.7 (feet)

image for Saucer Magnolia

Saucer Magnolia – Magnolia x soulangeana

Points: 150.30

Circumference: 112.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 30.75 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27 (feet)

image for Saucer Magnolia

Saucer Magnolia – Magnolia x soulangeana

Points: 152.4

Circumference: 108.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 32 (feet)

Crown Spread: 49.46 (feet)

image for Sawtooth Oak

Sawtooth Oak – Quercus acutissima

Points: 252.00

Circumference: 159 (inches)

Tree Height: 69 (feet)

Crown Spread: 96 (feet)

image for Scarlet Oak

Scarlet Oak – Quercus coccinea

Points: 333.68

Circumference: 226.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 83 (feet)

Crown Spread: 95.5 (feet)

image for September Elm

September Elm – Ulmus serotina

Points: 233.75

Circumference: 138 (inches)

Tree Height: 77 (feet)

Crown Spread: 74.99 (feet)

image for September Elm

September Elm – Ulmus serotina

Points: 236.59

Circumference: 135.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 81.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 78.35 (feet)

image for Shagbark Hickory

Shagbark Hickory – Carya ovata

Points: 272.57

Circumference: 146.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 100.7 (feet)

Crown Spread: 101.88 (feet)

image for Shellbark Hickory

Shellbark Hickory – Carya laciniosa

Points: 179.73

Circumference: 80.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 85.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 55.33 (feet)

image for Shining Sumac

Shining Sumac – Rhus copallinum

Points: 64.91

Circumference: 29 (inches)

Tree Height: 29 (feet)

Crown Spread: 26.03 (feet)

image for Shortleaf Pine

Shortleaf Pine – Pinus echinata

Points: 228

Circumference: 117.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 94.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 63.50 (feet)

image for Silver Maple

Silver Maple – Acer saccharinum

Points: 339.68

Circumference: 226.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 89.6 (feet)

Crown Spread: 93.12 (feet)

image for Slash Pine

Slash Pine – Pinus elliottii

Points: 229.70

Circumference: 104.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 110.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 59.2 (feet)

image for Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm – Ulmus rubra

Points: 233.80

Circumference: 136.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 59 (feet)

Crown Spread: 152 (feet)

image for Sourwood

Sourwood – Oxydendrum arboreum

Points: 173.3

Circumference: 58.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 92.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 88.00 (feet)

image for Southern Catalpa

Southern Catalpa – Catalpa bignonioides

Points: 305.89

Circumference: 222 (inches)

Tree Height: 69.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 57.56 (feet)

image for Southern Magnolia

Southern Magnolia – Magnolia grandiflora

Points: 271.1

Circumference: 180.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 65.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 102.40 (feet)

image for Southern Red Oak

Southern Red Oak – Quercus falcata

Points: 359.69

Circumference: 233.64 (inches)

Tree Height: 97 (feet)

Crown Spread: 116.2 (feet)

image for Southern Red Oak

Southern Red Oak – Quercus falcata

Points: 366.7

Circumference: 246.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 84.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 144.75 (feet)

image for Southern Sugar Maple

Southern Sugar Maple – Acer floridanum

Points: 232.08

Circumference: 139.44 (inches)

Tree Height: 72.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 80.95 (feet)

image for Sparkleberry

Sparkleberry – Vaccinium arboretum

Points: 74.82

Circumference: 39 (inches)

Tree Height: 29 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27.28 (feet)

image for Spicebush

Spicebush – Lindera benzoin

Points: 46.63

Circumference: 10 (inches)

Tree Height: 32 (feet)

Crown Spread: 18.5 (feet)

image for Striped Maple

Striped Maple – Acer pensylvanicum

Points: 45.59

Circumference: 15 (inches)

Tree Height: 27.6 (feet)

Crown Spread: 11.95 (feet)

image for Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple – Acer saccharum

Points: 268.86

Circumference: 170.04 (inches)

Tree Height: 82 (feet)

Crown Spread: 67.26 (feet)

image for Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple – Acer saccharum

Points: 261.2

Circumference: 165.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 65.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 120.25 (feet)

image for Swamp Chestnut Oak

Swamp Chestnut Oak – Quercus michauxii

Points: 334.5

Circumference: 205.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 92 (feet)

Crown Spread: 149.00 (feet)

image for Swamp Cottonwood

Swamp Cottonwood – Populus heterophylla

Points: 208.75

Circumference: 90 (inches)

Tree Height: 108 (feet)

Crown Spread: 43 (feet)

image for Swamp Privet

Swamp Privet – Forestiera acuminata

Points: 90.85

Circumference: 47.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 32.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 44.01 (feet)

image for Swamp Red Oak

Swamp Red Oak – Quercus shumardii

Points: 358.78

Circumference: 239.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 91.25 (feet)

Crown Spread: 112.5 (feet)

image for Swamp White Oak

Swamp White Oak – Quercus bicolor

Points: 245.18

Circumference: 156.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 66.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 88.7 (feet)

image for Sweetbay Magnolia

Sweetbay Magnolia – Magnolia virginiana

Points: 149.15

Circumference: 74.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 67 (feet)

Crown Spread: 31 (feet)

image for Sweetgum

Sweetgum – Liquidambar styraciflua

Points: 309.50

Circumference: 192 (inches)

Tree Height: 95 (feet)

Crown Spread: 90 (feet)

image for Sweetgum

Sweetgum – Liquidambar styraciflua

Points: 319.65

Circumference: 226.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 75.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 72.2 (feet)

image for Taiwania

Taiwania – Taiwania cryptomerioides

Points: 24.87

Circumference: 10.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 11.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 10.29 (feet)

image for Three-Flower Maple

Three-Flower Maple – Acer triflorum

Points: 47.76

Circumference: 21.36 (inches)

Tree Height: 21.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 19.57 (feet)

image for Tulip Popular

Tulip Popular – Liriodendron tulipifera

Points: 392.7

Circumference: 228.0 (inches)

Tree Height: 129.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 140.83 (feet)

image for Two-Wing Silverbell

Two-Wing Silverbell – Halesia diptera

Points: 39.61

Circumference: 12 (inches)

Tree Height: 23.2 (feet)

Crown Spread: 17.63 (feet)

image for Umbrella Magnolia

Umbrella Magnolia – Magnolia tripetala

Points: 80.77

Circumference: 41.88 (inches)

Tree Height: 32.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 25.61 (feet)

image for Washington Hawthorn

Washington Hawthorn – Crataegus phaenopyrum

Points: 13.75

Circumference: (inches)

Tree Height: (feet)

Crown Spread: 55 (feet)

image for Water Elm

Water Elm – Planera aquatica

Points: 127.70

Circumference: 66.96 (inches)

Tree Height: 48 (feet)

Crown Spread: 50.97 (feet)

image for Water Hickory

Water Hickory – Carya aquatica

Points: 239.04

Circumference: 129 (inches)

Tree Height: 89.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 82.17 (feet)

image for Water Oak

Water Oak – Quercus nigra

Points: 377.45

Circumference: 253.2 (inches)

Tree Height: 99 (feet)

Crown Spread: 101 (feet)

image for Water Oak

Water Oak – Quercus nigra

Points: 375.8

Circumference: 250.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 97 (feet)

Crown Spread: 112.07 (feet)

image for Water Tupelo

Water Tupelo – Nyssa aquatica

Points: 382.55

Circumference: 265.8 (inches)

Tree Height: 99.6 (feet)

Crown Spread: 68.58 (feet)

image for Weeping Higan Cherry

Weeping Higan Cherry – Prunus subhirtella

Points: 150.69

Circumference: 98.04 (inches)

Tree Height: 38 (feet)

Crown Spread: 58.6 (feet)

image for White Ash

White Ash – Fraxinus americana

Points: 311.21

Circumference: 197.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 89.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 97.24 (feet)

image for White Fir

White Fir – Abies concolor

Points: 149.85

Circumference: 75.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 62 (feet)

Crown Spread: 49 (feet)

image for White Mulberry

White Mulberry – Morus alba

Points: 225.97

Circumference: 171 (inches)

Tree Height: 42.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 49.87 (feet)

image for White Oak

White Oak – Quercus alba

Points: 393.92

Circumference: 284.64 (inches)

Tree Height: 79.5 (feet)

Crown Spread: 119.1 (feet)

image for Wild-Goose Plum

Wild-Goose Plum – Prunus rivularus

Points: 94.14

Circumference: 39.25 (inches)

Tree Height: 50 (feet)

Crown Spread: 19.54 (feet)

image for Willow Oak

Willow Oak – Quercus phellos

Points: 376.58

Circumference: 255.6 (inches)

Tree Height: 92 (feet)

Crown Spread: 115.9 (feet)

image for Winged Elm

Winged Elm – Ulmus alata

Points: 176.6

Circumference: 56.4 (inches)

Tree Height: 101 (feet)

Crown Spread: 76.83 (feet)

image for Yellow Buckeye

Yellow Buckeye – Aesculus flava

Points: 248.33

Circumference: 132 (inches)

Tree Height: 109.4 (feet)

Crown Spread: 27.73 (feet)