Graduate student Thomas Rovery won the student presenter award at the Annual Southeast Deer Study Group meeting held Feb. 16-19 in Cambridge, Md. Rovery presented preliminary results from Dr. Craig…
Graduate student Thomas Rovery won the student presenter award at the Annual Southeast Deer Study Group meeting held Feb. 16-19 in Cambridge, Md. Rovery presented preliminary results from Dr. Craig…
The UTK Wildlife and Fisheries Society received the 2024 Student Chapter of the Year award at the 78th Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference from Dec. 9-13…
The Urban and Community Forestry Society (UCFS) plans to present the 2024 Young and Emerging Professionals Award to Kayla Stuart, urban forestry graduate student, on November 19 during its annual…
Professor Sharon Jean-Philippe received the 2024 Alex L. Shigo Award for Excellence in Arboricultural Education on August 13 at the International Society of Arboriculture‘s Annual Conference in Atlanta. The award…
The UT Office of the Provost honored School of Natural Resources and Center for Renewable Carbon Professor David Harper with the award at the Academic Honors Banquet on May 1.…
Lindsey Phillips received Best Student Presentation at the 2023 Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies annual meeting in Corpus Christi, TX in October. Her talk was titled, “Wild Turkey…
Students and their advisor shined at the Tennessee Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s annual meeting from March 6-8 at Paris Landing State Park. Jake Bones and Ellie Burken both won…
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – Craig Harper, professor of wildlife management and Extension wildlife specialist in the School of Natural Resources, received the Deer Management Career Achievement Award on Feb. 13 at…